Łukasz Pańkowski

Łukasz Pańkowski

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Assistant Professor


  1. Hybrid joint universality theorem for Dirichlet L-functions, International Conference on Number Theory, Siauliai, Lithuania (August 2008)
  2. On the Voronin universality theorem for Riemann zeta function, 11th International Workshop for Young Mathematicians “Number Theory” (September 2008)
  3. Connection between the Kronecker theorem and universality theorems, New Directions in the Theory of Universal Zeta- and L-functions, Wurzburg, Germany (October 2008)
  4. Some remarks on the generalized strong recurrence for L-functions, 19th Czech and Slovak International Conference on Number Theory, Hradec nad Moravici, Czech Republic (September 2009)
  5. Hybrid universality for L-functions without the Euler product, Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects, Kyoto, Japan (December 2010)
  6. Hybrid universality for L-functions and applications, Workshop on various zeta functions and related topics, Tokyo, Japan (December 2010)
  7. Zeros of multiple zeta-functions, International Conference in Honour of Jonas Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania (September 2011)
  8. Extreme values of L-functions from the Selberg class, Arithmetik an der A7, Ulm, Germany (January 2012)
  9. On certain analytic properties of polynomial type combinations of zeta functions, L-functions of automorphic forms and related problems, Tokyo, Japan (March 2012)
  10. Extreme values of L-functions from the Selberg class, Analytic Number Theory Seminar at Nagoya University hosted by Kohji Matsumoto, Nagoya, Japan (March 2012)
  11. Extreme values of L-functions from the Selberg class, Analytic Number Theory Workshop, Turku, Finland (May 2014)
  12. Extreme values of L-functions from the Selberg class, Analytic Number Theory - Distribution and Approximation of Arithmetic Objects, Kyoto, Japan (October 2014)
  13. Self-approximation of zeta functions: history, results and open problems, The 8th Young Mathematicians Conference on Zeta Functions, Nagoya, Japan (February 2015)
  14. On large values of L-functions from the Selberg class, Seminar at Korean Institute for Advanced Study hosted by Yoonbok Lee, Seoul, Korea (August 2015)
  15. Generalized strong recurrence for the Riemann zeta-function, Seminar at Australian National University hosted by Timothy Trudgian, Canberra, Australia (September 2015)
  16. Generalized strong recurrence for the Riemann zeta-function with rational parameter, Seminar at Meijigakuin University hosted by Leo Murata, Tokyo, Japan (November 2015)
  17. Joint universality of dependent L-functions, The 9th Young Mathematicians Conference on Zeta Functions, Naha, Japan (February 2016)
  18. Joint universality of L-functions, The Sixth International Conference Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Palanga, Lithuania (September 2016)
  19. Discrete joint universality of dependent L-functions, International Conference on Number Theory dedicated to the 70th birthdays of Professors Antanas Laurinčikas and Eugenijus Manstavičius, Palanga, Lithuania (September 2018)
  20. Joint universality for dependent L-functions, Seminar at TU Graz hosted by Christoph Aistleitner, Graz, Austria (December 2018)
  21. Zeros of L(s) + L(2s) + . . . + L(ns) in the region of absolute convergence, Conference on distribution of values of zeta functions and L-functions (ZetaValue2019), RIKEN, Wako, Japan (March 2019)